মঙ্গলবার, ১৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১
SPEMP’s Mission & SPEMP'S Vision
বুধবার, ১৭ আগস্ট, ২০১১
Attended Trainings and Workshops:
· Training system Administrators Who Supervise implementation and use of Integrated Budget and Accounting System –iBAS throughout the government accounts offices.-SPEMP (Under World Bank).
· Workshop for two days on Grow Open source Willingness (GROW) in association with Institute of Information technology (IIT)-University of Dhaka.
· Web Page Developer & Active server Page - Proshika Computer System
· Project Management and Quality Assurance in ICT Industry – BASIS
· Requirement Management – United International University
· Software Project Monitor & Control – Finance division, Finance Ministry.
· Risk Management – ICMAB
· Project Management - JOB-ICT
· Project Management through MS Project 2003 – Bangladesh Bank
মঙ্গলবার, ১ মার্চ, ২০১১
শনিবার, ১৯ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১১
PDP AUSTRALIA PTY LTD (Software Development Team)
PDP Australia Pty Ltd (PDP) is a leading international economics and governance consultancy based in Sydney, Australia. Since our establishment in 1988, we have worked in a wide range of economic and political settings.
Our approach is to help build better governance institutions and to work collaboratively to strengthen the impact of public policy in order to reduce poverty in emerging market economies.
We work with governments, the private sector, multilateral and bilateral institutions, and community based organisations to help transform institutional performance. We focus on building more efficient, effective and transparent institutions that are able to sustain performance improvements and increased returns to expenditure.
Our work covers:
Transforming public management processes and systems in public financial management, civil service reform, accountability and governance improvement, and law and justice
Providing economic policy solutions in macroeconomic and sectoral applications, trade and economic integration, national development policy and financing, and private sector development
Ensuring social policy and protection solutions are fully integrated into medium-term development and fiscal frameworks.
Engr.Mahamud Hasan Sajib
More Information Get From Link Below:
Our approach is to help build better governance institutions and to work collaboratively to strengthen the impact of public policy in order to reduce poverty in emerging market economies.
We work with governments, the private sector, multilateral and bilateral institutions, and community based organisations to help transform institutional performance. We focus on building more efficient, effective and transparent institutions that are able to sustain performance improvements and increased returns to expenditure.
Our work covers:
Transforming public management processes and systems in public financial management, civil service reform, accountability and governance improvement, and law and justice
Providing economic policy solutions in macroeconomic and sectoral applications, trade and economic integration, national development policy and financing, and private sector development
Ensuring social policy and protection solutions are fully integrated into medium-term development and fiscal frameworks.
PDP provides assistance across four broad technical areas: governance and public management, economic policy, social policy, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) .Engr.Mahamud Hasan Sajib
Controller General of Accounts(CGA)
Office of CGA
Secretariate Building (3rd Phase)
Room No:227, 3rd Face,Finance DivisionMinistry Of finance
Segun Bagicha,Dhaka-1000
Room No:227, 3rd Face,Finance DivisionMinistry Of finance
Segun Bagicha,Dhaka-1000
Consultant,System Support,(World Bank)
Government Of the People Finance Ministry of Bangladesh
http://engrmahamudhasansajib.blogspot.comGovernment Of the People Finance Ministry of Bangladesh
More Information Get From Link Below:
বুধবার, ১৬ ফেব্রুয়ারী, ২০১১
Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
Finance Division, Ministry of Finance
National Budget for FY 2010-11 has been approved by the Parliament on 30 June 2010. Line Ministry/Division may start budget implementation activities immediately. All budget related documents are available at this Website and hard copies may be collected from relevant Budget Section.
33 Ministries/Divisions have been brought under the Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF) in FY 2010-11. All remaining Ministries/Divisions will be brought under the MTBF process in FY 2011-12. Under the MTBF process each line Ministry/Division has to prepare its own Ministry Budget Framework (MBF). In the MBF, concerned Ministries/Divisions lay down their medium term strategy linking policies and priorities with resource allocation and resource allocation with the performance of departments and agencies. Another distinct feature of MBF is that it delineates impacts of public expenditure on poverty reduction and gender advancement.
Along with the National Budget the Finance Minister also placed one concept paper on ‘Unified Budget and District Budget’ and a position paper on ‘Power and Energy Sector’ before the Parliament. Another document named ‘Gender Budgeting Report’ on ten Ministry/Division also placed in the Parliament.
Work on the development of iBAS is continuing to introduce budgetary control at the Ministry/Division as well as CGA’s Accounting Offices. All treasury branches of Sonali Bank Limited are now capturing transactions of government receipts and payments through specially developed software. And also the government transactions through Bangladesh Bank branches have been brought under the coverage of automation.
‘Deepening MTBF and Strengthening Financial Accountability Project’ under the umbrella programme ‘Strengthening Public Expenditure Management Programme’ (SPEMP), a multi-donor trust fund financed programme, has formally began its operation. Consultants have been mobilized by the Contracting Firm and the process to prepare the Inception Report has kicked off. It is expected that this project will usher in a new era which will enable the Finance Division to take its ongoing reform to its next higher stage building on the reform experience, output and outcomes through FMRP and its predecessor project RIBEC, in the area of Public Financial Management (PFM).
All are Here with Details
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